Federal Employee of the Year
I won a 2024 Federal Employee of the Year Award for Natural Disaster Response. Data I gathered & presented helped implement a system Nationally to reach Vulnerable Population Veterans during disasters in significantly less time (32%)–faster & better–via a text system rather than trying to call every one. Very grateful for the recognition!
New Job
120-day temporary promotion complete & they’re making me permanent! GS-13 Supervisory Health System Specialist; I help the Services under the Assistant Director run well–Prosthetics, Logistics, Nutrition & Food, Fisher House, etc. Grateful for the continued opportunity!
Elected President of Avalon Middle School PTSO
This past school year I served as Vice President and here is a picture of our lovely Board! This coming School year I was elected to be the President of the Avalon Middle School PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization).
And those are the major updates at this time! Catch me on my social media accounts for more frequent posts. Hope you have a wonderful day.